Curriculum Mapping
Custom curriculum structure for aligning program competencies and accreditation standards.
Course Creation
Full control over managing program courses.
Customize Objectives
Create program, course, and session objectives for curriculum.
Preloaded Standards
Accreditation standards matching to program type come pre-loaded into the system.
Gap and Overlap Analysis
Run reports to show the program’s curriculum gaps and overlaps.
Archive the full curriculum from previous years.
Customizable Faculty Access
Give permissions to groups or to people for access to different content.
Curriculum Calendar
Schedule course sessions or general events into a comprehensive curriculum calendar.
Public Curriculum Website
Publish a version of the curriculum website with only publicly available course content.
Curriculum Search
Quickly search for keywords across your entire curriculum in one easy-to-use interface.
Syllabus Generation
Generate a syllabus based on course section information in eCurriculum.
Curriculum Inventory
Build and export your program’s unique Curriculum Inventory.
Canvas and Blackboard Integration
eCurriculum can integrate with Canvas and Blackboard to further streamline the curriculum mapping process.