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Curriculum Management
Organized Curriculum Management Made Easier
Easily maintain a thoroughly mapped curriculum, ensuring that the program continues covering all of its goals.
Curriculum Management
Curriculum Structure

A program’s curriculum is one of the most crucial elements for its success. First, it establishes what the program will cover by defining goals and objectives. Then, these objectives are mapped onto courses or even individual sessions. This process, when done well, ensures that students graduating from the program have been taught all of the competencies that the program sets out to endue in its graduates. The curriculum may be mapped out at the session level or course level, depending on the school’s desired balance of detail and time commitment. eCurriculum offers flexibility to meet program-specific needs; not only does the application accommodate mapping at multiple levels, but customization options are available. 

Course Management
Course management generally has three overarching components: the course itself (including course objectives, assignments, grading systems, etc.), sections of the course (including rosters for each section, grades, meeting times, etc.), and sessions (individual class meetings and their associated material covered, objectives, and/or assessments). eCurriculum helps administrators and faculty manage data at all three of these levels.
View and edit a variety of information about each course, from course level to whether it is required. View sections and sessions of the course and include notes for future curriculum reviews. Upload associated documents, such as the finalized syllabus, and add or view alignments. A wide variety of additional functionality is available, and customization is an option for any specific program needs.
Input, edit, and view information about a class section including name, section number, start and end dates, room numbers, primary and secondary faculty, gradescales, and more. Include section rosters, associated documents, and more.
Organize sessions by program-defined types, from lectures and discussions to simulations and labs. Track information such as session-specific objectives, special requirements, documents, instructional and assessment methods used, and topics covered. Map to course objectives or other alignments to include in curriculum mapping structure.
Curriculums often change throughout the years. As programs continue to reevaluate their structure so it grows and adapts to changing competencies, their curriculum will change with them. To keep track of previous versions of the curriculum, eCurriculum allows for “snapshots,” which saves a complete version of the current structure and archives it for future reference.
View Old Snapshots
Users can then view old snapshots of the curriculum. Once activated, this feature displays the system with all the data from the snapshot. This allows users to go in and look in-depth at the data and even run reports (link to data management page) on the old data. All other users can continue to simultaneously use the system with current data.
Draft Snapshots
In addition to viewing old snapshots, a draft snapshot can be created based on a program’s current curriculum. This snapshot can then be modified without affecting the current structure. Then, when the time is right, the draft snapshot can be set as the current curriculum and the previous structure will automatically be archived.
System Security

In a system such as eMedley that has thousands of users, security is a top priority. Particularly when working with sensitive student information, it is crucial that each user has the appropriate security level within the system. This is generally managed in relation to both data (what data can the user access) and function (what is the user able to do with the data or system). Access to functions is managed by “access levels” while access to data is managed by “permissions”; each person’s access level and permissions then dictate what they can see and do in the system.

While this structure may seem straightforward, it can get quite complicated, particularly when managing thousands of users, interfaces, and functions (not even to mention the amount of data in the system). Thankfully, eMedley has a team of expert software engineers behind it, meaning that all of this complexity is well-managed. To read more about security access to system data and functions, click here.

Security Access to System Data and Function
Excited to learn more?
Find out how eCurriculum can improve your school’s curriculum mapping efficiency and provide insights on your curriculum’s gaps and overlaps.
Curriculum Management