Curriculum Mapping
Often, curriculums will have certain goals that exist at different levels. For example, a medical curriculum might have the overarching goals of instilling medical knowledge of the human body, cultural competency, and professionalism in its students. Each of these goals will then have subgoals – medical knowledge of the human body might include mastery of human anatomy, human diseases and ailments…
Identifying Gaps and Redundancies
The first step is to map the curriculum. The mapping or alignment process typically consists of breaking each course down into course…
Mapping Your Curriculum to the CBVE Framework
The CBVE approach is intended to confirm a student’s ability to care for animals and to meet the expectations placed upon veterinarians by society. CBVE focuses on outcomes-based and learner-centered education and assessment to promote…
Adapting Curriculum for USMLE Changes
Medical schools now must decide how to address this change and prepare students for the increased number of questions in those content areas. Some schools have already been preparing a curriculum structure and tracking process…
Curriculum Calendar
Integrated with Canvas, Google, and Office 365, the curriculum calendar is a useful, advanced tool within the eCurriculum application module. Curriculum calendars are really “systems by which you define the landmark dates that drive much of the day-to-day…
Syllabus Generation
Kicking off the first week of a semester, syllabus week is extremely informative for students. Syllabi detail information regarding instructor information, reading material and supplies, policies, and the class schedule. Without these “instructions,” faculty…
Security Access to System Data and Function
There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of users that could be using a system . This can lead to potentially hundreds of groups of users, each needing to be able to only access different sets of functions and data. It could easily take hundreds of hours to set up a system’s security if one had to approve each point…